Press Room

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    Johana Morante :


    We are being told that climate variation will make for a thirsty planet. That is, if nothing is done. A few billion people are already suffering from acute thirst because of little or no access to...

    CoP24 President Fauchon speech

    First Cairo Water Week

    Sunday, 14 October 2018, at the Opening Ceremony of the First Water Week in Cairo, Loïc Fauchon, Honorary President of the World Water Council and President of the Société des Eaux de Marseille, spoke...

    Interview of Loic Fauchon, Honorary President of the World Water Council, « Au Bout du Jour » (RTBF, La première) – in French

    INTERVIEW DE LOIC FAUCHON, RADIO TELEVISION BELGE FRANCOPHONE (RTBF), EMISSION RADIOPHONIQUE « Au Bout du Jour », par Eddy Caekelberghs, le 27 août 2018. E.C : Je vous propose d’aller ici au bout du...

    Guy Fradin Interview on Sud FM Sen Radio (Senegal) [in French]

    World Water Council Governor Guy Fradin explains the World Water Forum’s mission of building political commitment and triggering action on all levels around global water issues. The 9th edition of the...