Observatory on Non-Conventional Water Resources & Associated Renewable Energies
The ONCWR promotes multi-level dialogue and innovative solutions to water scarcity and inequitable distribution exacerbated by climate change. It aims to promote the exchange of information and know-how on the use of non-conventional water resources and related renewable energies.
Freshwater is a limited resource on our planet. Its uneven distribution leaves a significant portion of the population without access to safe water and sanitation. Climate change further exacerbates the problem. In this context, non-conventional water resources emerge as a solution that countries can turn to.
The Observatory for Non-Conventional Water Resources and associated Renewable Energies has been founded by the World Water Council and its implementation has been entrusted to the Mediterranean Water Institute. It responds to the need of establishing dialogue and identifying innovative micro to macro solutions to water scarcity in specific geographic areas. The Observatory aims to identify experiences in the integration of non-conventional water resources and their energy needs from various stakeholders.
So far, the Observatory on NCWR & RE has undertaken work in the Sahel and in the -Mediterranean region, where several countries had to turn to using unconventional water resources and renewable energies to meet their needs. Special attention has been given to the reuse of treated wastewater and to the desalination of sea and brackish water
A second phase of this Task Force’s work will aim at expanding worldwide expansion with the creation of a Global Observatory, bringing context-specific solutions that could be replicated in different parts of theworld, synthesizing existing data and collecting additional one.
Strategic Actions
- Advocate and foster a database on the use of non-conventional water resources to avoid water stress management.
- Increase knowledge and develop solutions in the field of RES-fueled Desalination and WW Plants, Recycling and reuse of treated, Rainwater Harvesting, Artificial GW/aquifer recharge, Green infrastructure (e.g. green roofs and walls) for urban heat mitigation, “Sponge cities” approach for flash-flood mitigation.
- Understanding and highlighting the impact of climate change, and global demography on water availability and biodiversity.
- Reaching economic efficiency in terms of drinking water production and water for irrigation (Water-Energy-Food Nexus).
- Advocate for closer international cooperation between professional organizations, operators, experts and government bodies.
- Promote the right to access to water and sanitation and its related laws.