Rio+20: Loïc Fauchon appeals to Heads of State and Government to commit to water

    20 June 2012 - President Loïc Fauchon presented today at the Rio+20 High Level Round Table three recommendations on water concerning the implementation of the Right to Water and Sanitation, the planning and integrated management of water, energy and land use, and securing water resources to preserve biodiversity and ecosystems. The recommendations were adopted during the Sustainable Development Dialogues which took place in Rio 16 to 19 June prior to the Earth Summit, and for which Mr Fauchon was the rapporteur on water. “Support us, make commitments!” During his plea Mr Fauchon strongly emphasised the immense responsibility of Heads of State and Government who were present. For the first time water is on the agenda of an Earth summit, but “We must now go further and faster” he urged, reminding them that instead of incantations the world is expecting commitments and solutions. Read more: Press release "A plea for water"