Opening remarks from the World Water Council President at the 10th World Water Forum

    Catch a glimpse of the opening speech of Loic Fauchon, President of the World water Council, at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali! And take action on the 7 commitments to be water fighter.


    We, World Water Warriors want to promote water security policies worldwide, at all levels of responsibilities. 

    We, World Water Warriors want to convince that water sobriety needs the modification of our behavior and change our habits

    We, World Water Warriors want to upscale the design and application of Nature-Based Solutions, at Basin level first. 

    We, World Water Warriors want to call on all countries to write the right to water in their national constitutions, Laws and local regulations. To propose that, step by step, the right to access to water becomes enforceable to all. 

    We, World Water Warriors want to invite you to create a "Money For Water" Coalition, to be presented at the next United Nations conference which includes sub-sovereignty and canctellation of the water debt for the poorest countries. 

    We, World Water Warriors want to ensure that a high proportion of the various climate funds is naturally devoted to water, not forgetting wastewater. 

    We, World Water Warriors want to call for international action to ensure more active, decentralized governance. Governance based on multilateral cooperation, which is also essential for strengthening the rules of mediation for rivers, lakes and basins. True hydro-diplomacy, bringing peace to the banks rather than war to the rivers.