Infrastructure Financing for a Water-Secure World

    DEC_502-DAEGU - EXCO - 5F Auditorium

    Because implementation will require substantial financial resources from different types of public and private sources, the World Water Council and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development have set out to create a High-Level Panel on Infrastructure Financing for a Water Secure World. This panel will set out clear objectives and stir the dialogue on the role of infrastructure to ensure water security. Furthermore, the Panel will look into the necessary financial resources and the means to generate them to achieve water security in different parts of the world. This panel should have high-level members from governments, international agencies, private sector, NGO community and academia and will be chaired by the Secretary-General of OECD, Mr. Angel Gurria. The proposed High Level Panel, which can be found at the intersection of the themes 1.4 and 4.1, will explore financing mechanisms for water-related infrastructure that would be feasible for countries with different circumstances and economic status. This panel will also serve to follow up on recommendations emanating from the Camdessus Panel (2003) and the Gurria Task Force (2006). Time :14:40-16:40 Session Code :T.SS.05

    Full information on the Session, timetable and location, go to the official Forum website : Session details
    World Water Council(WWC), OECD