WWC Strategy Consultation

    Following an analytical workshop held with the WWC staff in Marseille and a first note discussed by the Board of Governors during its meeting in Dakar in June, a zero draft of the WWC future triennial strategy was disseminated to members for comments. While the main orientations of the strategy propose to continue to reinforce the work done during the past mandate around water security, financing, cities, climate change, political mobilization, IWRM and the World Water Forums, it also seeks to create linkages between different substantive areas and to international frameworks, such as Agenda 2030. 

    In addition, some innovations include placing a much greater emphasis on strengthening membership relations. Also, rather than focusing specifically on cities, it is proposed to develop activities around “Resilient Communities and Human Settlements”, to be broader in scope and to link better to the subject of rural development within the 9th World Water Forum priorities. Furthermore, it suggests potential activities focusing on equity and giving a voice to unheard stakeholders.

    A consultation with members was organized on 28 August during the World Water Week in Stockholm to discuss the contents of the proposal. For those who could not attend that event, two webinars were organized on 13 September, and written comments were received by the Secretariat until 21 September.

    Under the guidance of the WWC Bureau, the draft strategy will be finalized and submitted to members with the other documents for the General Assembly. It will be accompanied by a more detailed workplan that will suggest ways to put the strategy into action over the next three years. Both documents will give rise to discussion and exchange during the WWC General Assembly, in view of its approval.