One click to progress on Implementation Roadmaps

    Commitments are all very well but it’s action that counts. And action is what’s needed to deal with water challenges. Thanks to the 7th World Water Forum’s Implementation Roadmaps housed on the online Action Monitoring System, members can continually track progress on any of the 16 themes that figured in the 7th World Water Forum.  The interactive website allows members not only to track progress on the Roadmaps in real time but also to feed in their latest achievements. Through the website, anyone with an interest in water can offer their experience and expertise to move action on the Roadmaps forward.  The action monitoring system shows the day-to-day state of play on the roadmaps. For the wider water constituency, summaries published by the Government of the Republic of Korea and WWC provide snapshots of overall progress twice a year. The real-time monitoring system is an excellent innovation in catalysing collective action in between editions of the World Water Form. We look forward to your contributions. To find out more: News item: Catalyzing collective action from the 7th to 8th World Water Forum
    Download the Progress Report on Implementation Roadmaps March 2016
    Download the brochure Catalyzing Action for Water: Implementation Roadmaps
    The Action Monitoring System