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Organization : Agence de l'eau Loire-Bretagne
Acronym: : AELB
Nationality of the organisation of establishment : France Year of establishment : 1964
college to which your organisation belongs to :
College 2:Government and government promoted organisations
Scope of your organisation : Regional: sub-national
Are you organiation's activities focused primarily on water and sanitation ? : Yes No
Please indicate your organisation's field(s) of expertise and activities :
  • Water resources management
  • Basic Human needs or health
  • Development or infrastructure
  • Climate or natural hazards
  • Environment or ecosystems
  • Water supply or sanitation
  • Agriculture or food production
  • Human rights or social issues
  • Education or capacity building
  • Human settlements or habitats
  • Regulation and governance
  • Economics or finance
  • Research or development
  • Energy or industry
  • Media awareness
  • International cooperation or humanitarian relief
You may specify your activities by providing a list of more precise keywords:
Description of your Organisation's activities : The Loire-Bretagne water agency is a French public institution of the Ministry for an ecological and solidarity transition. It is one of six water agencies which contribute to reduce pollution from different sources, and to protect the water resources and the aquatic environment, in a context of climate change. It provides financial and technical support for the elaboration and the implementation of the basin policy. Indeed, financial subsidies are granted to municipalities, manufacturers and farmers undertaking water projects to reach the objectives of national or European regulations, notably the good status of water bodies. The funds come from charges collected from the users according to the "polluter pays" principle. Solidarity of the water community is the keystone of the water governance within the basin. All stakeholders are involved, through the basin committee composed of elected officials representatives, water user representatives (farmers, industrials, NGOs) and state representatives. The basin committee defines priorities and environmental objectives in a 6 years master plan, consistent with all the responsibilities laid down by French laws and European water framework directive. The water agency is also active in international cooperation through funding water and sanitation projects in developing countries, notably in western Africa, and through twinning agreements with foreign authorities (basin institution, resource department of environmental ministry...). The Loire-Bretagne water agency, the other water agencies, the ministry and the French agency for biodiversity have been deeply involved in the 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia promoting innovative ideas and proposing many concrete solutions.

Governor representative :
First Name : Marie-Hélène Last Name : AUBERT
Title : Mrs. Position : President of management board AELB
Nationality : France Gender : Male Female
Email : marie-helene.aubert@developpement-durable.gouv.fr
background : Marie-Hélène AUBERT chairs the management board of the Loire-Bretagne water agency since November 2017. She is General Inspector of sustainable development administration, member of the General Council for environment and sustainable development, part of the ministry for ecological transition, since may 2016. Formerly, she was between may 2012 and may 2016 Senior adviser of François Hollande, President of the french Republic, for international negotiations on climate and environment (biodiversity, desertification, BBNJ negotiations on high seas), and as such in charge of COP21 preparation until the adoption of the Paris Agreement on climate change in December 2015. Member of the french national Assembly from 1997 to 2002, representing the green party, member of the foreign affairs committee, then european Parliamentarian (MEP) from 2004 to 2009, member of the agriculture and rural development committee, fisheries committee and development committee, she is specialized more particularly in water, agriculture and food, climate, energy and ecology transition issues, within now the global framework of SDG’s adopted in September 2015 by the UNGA. She obtained in 2009 a Master degree on Agriculture Development and economy policies in developing countries (IEDES-Paris1 Sorbonne).

Alternate representative :
First Name : Laurent Last Name : BERGEOT
Title : Mr. Postion : head of research department
Nationality : France Gender :
Email : laurent.bergeot@mines.org
background : Before being promoted head of the research department of the French ministry for environment (which supervises the 6 French water agencies), Laurent BERGEOT was Director general of the Adour-Garonne Water Agency,during 4 years, covering the south west territory of France, on top of coordinating the international activities of the 6 French water agencies. He is well involved not only in existing networks related to water management and prospective, but also to marine science through his involvment in the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (and the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030), thus contributing to bridge the gap between sdg6 and sdg14. As an engineer, he developed strong technical and economic competencies, as well as an international background within the civil service. He held various positions : advisor to the French minister of overseas territories, director for mining and energy in New Caledonia (South Pacific), commercial counsellor (in Taipei, Helsinki, and at the Paris HQ of Invest in France Agency), and director of a regional administration in Toulouse with broad competencies in urban planning, transportation, environment and energy. He participates on the board of various institutions related to oceans or continental water, such like IFREMER (French institute for marine research), SHOM (French Navy's Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department), INRA (French institute for agronomic research) and ASTEE.

Organisation statement:
Please describe the involvement of your organisation within the World Water Council and state how long it has been involved in World Water Council activities : The 6 French Water Agencies and the French Ministry of Environment are members of the World Water Council since its creation. The water agencies, the Ministry and the ONEMA have been deeply involved in the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille, providing technical and financial support to its organization. They identified concrete solutions and made commitments for their implementation, reported during the 7th World Water Forum. They continued to be involved in the preparation of the 8th Forum and sponsored participants from Local authorities to attend the event.
For what reasons do you wish your organisation to have a seat on the Board of Governors ? A French Water Agency (Seine-Normandie) sat in a continuous way within the Board of Governors until 2012, when it was replaced by the Ministry of Environment during the last two terms. As these institutions have a common will to continue and strengthen their collaboration with the World Water Council, they nominated the Loire-Bretagne Water Agency to be candidate on behalf of the French public institutions. Together with the candidate agency, they have the will to take part in the implementation of the WWC Strategy, to contribute to some of its task-forces, and to be active during the preparation of the 9th Forum in Senegal (2021). The Loire-Bretagne water agency is involved in water issues both at basin, national and international levels. It provides already financial support to the implementation of local projects dedicated to water resources management, access to drinking water and sanitation, in Burkina Faso, Ghana and other countries from western Africa, and will be helpful for the preparation of the next forum in Senegal. We have to face new challenges related to climate change adaptation, the implementation of the right to water and sanitation for all (linked with the sustainable development goals set by the UNGA, especially SDG 6 and 14), the water governance, the water quality, the efficient multiple uses water management, the implementation of nature-based solutions... These challenges need a real solidarity at different scales and between various stakeholders. We wish to provide the WWC with our experience to improve with you water management throughout the world.